
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras quis arcu lacus, vitae vulputate tellus. Duis interdum viverra ligula eu tincidunt. Cras vestibulum purus et nisl tempor ut ultrices tellus consectetur. Integer condimentum elit lorem, ut consequat mauris. Pellentesque gravida imperdiet lectus vel tempus. Quisque porta urna sit amet diam blandit pretium. Curabitur euismod sollicitudin justo sit amet consectetur.


Booking Particulars

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Please select your required accommodation from the list below by clicking on the room.

Available rooms
Type Per Night Max People
The Cottage 643.86€ ($800.00) 4
The Cottage 643.86€ ($800.00) 4
The Cottage 643.86€ ($800.00) 4

Please note that room prices listed are estimates and the full price of the booking will not be calculated util you have added a room or rooms to your selection.


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